
(stuff I made or did for others. That’s for example teaching, lectures, photography, videography and organizing events)

Among others, I have worked for with for example Aalto Univerisity (FIN), Turun Sanomat, (FIN), Vapa media (FIN), City of Rotterdam (NL), Groos, Rotterdam (NL), Protein Magazine (UK), Follow the Money (NL)


The Alumni Talk is a series of talks I curate and organize at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. I also make the visual design and organize the events. 

Exhibition documentation video for the artist Timo Aho at gallery Titanik, Turku, Finland.

Siv Knudsen for Maailman Kuvalehti


Laser prints, typewriter text, gel medium on paper
59,5 x 39,5 cm

Request > Email me!

"Apokalepsia was concocted, composed and performed by Hundred Headless Horsemen at Sir Näs Studios in Helsinki, Finland. The band remains anonymous, but we were joined by Mikko Suikkanen on electric violin, Saergu on modular synthesizers in “The Road” and Titus on percussion on “The Road” and “Spleen”.

Photographer and visual artist Karl Ketamo worked with us to create a visual form for our concept and produced the photographs featured in the cover art." https://hundredheadlesshorsemen.com/   

Emilia Korkea-aho for Follow the Money. 
Daan Roosegaarde for Protein Journal 

Two posters for Aalto University Media Lab. 

Photography for Helride Collective 

For Aalto University / The Department of Media Doctoral School. 

Photograph and second hand cross stitching piece on denim jacket. Request > Email me!

I taught a course in Photoshop skills at Omnia, Espoo, Finland.  As an end result we made an exhibition at the school premises. For making a coherent feel for the exhibition, we used recycled materials for displaying the works.